Lyn Evans does not take a price-driven approach to retail. Instead, each of Lyn’s seven
stores with locations in community-focused North East cities in the U.S. strives to build
personal relationships with the customers they serve.
“We get a lot of snowstorms in Massachusetts,” Shotkus told us. “Some of our patrons
will travel for two to three months to a warmer part of the country. We don’t want to
lose the customer just because we don’t have a store in that location, so we keep up
the relationship online.”
One such customer is a poster child for this kind of relationship
maintenance. An associate met with her online for a
personal shopping appointment. An hour and a half and one
happy customer later, the Lyn Evans associate had a $3,000
order. “Our goal,” Lyn Evans owner Stan Shotkus said, “is
to integrate the stores with the online community, with our
website serving as a showroom.”