Fashion retail takes advantage of mobile apps
From ecommerce websites to in-store retail technology, merchants are turning to creative ideas to improve the customer experience and their bottom line. Mobile apps offer a number of opportunities for retail marketing, and merchants are jumping on board with a number of exciting services that engage consumers to ultimately encourage purchases.
Fashion retailers find mobile apps particularly advantageous as a way to tap into social discussions about clothing trends to draw customers. The Guardian described a number of interactive apps with which users can "like" a photo or add it to their profile page. The idea is that eventually they'll be more likely to purchase the item. For example, makes it easier for consumers to track down the clothes their favorite style bloggers are wearing, the source added.
To optimize end-user mobile apps, merchants should be aware of the latest retail customer trends and preferences regarding mobile engagement. The Financial Times emphasized the importance of making sure mobile apps offer relevant services and value to shoppers. Apps should be designed with shoppers' habits and preferences in mind so that marketing opportunities are complemented by increased convenience and exciting options.