Seasonal employees, promotions help retailers prepare for holidays
Besides stocking their shelves with wanted holiday merchandise, retailers are also hiring more employees and launching promotional campaigns to begin the shopping season. Since economic conditions are looking up, more merchants are optimistic about bringing on new staff and are expecting holiday sales to significantly increase from last year.
The Chicago Tribune reports that many retailers across the country have already started displaying holiday-related merchandise. This is being done in the hopes of attracting the early shoppers and gaining their loyalty, not only through the end of the year but into the future as well.
"Consumers only have so many dollars they are going to spend at this point," said Megan Donadio, retail strategist at Kurt Salmon, as quoted by the news source. "By getting out there and letting people know about layaway plans, they (retailers) are making sure they are in the front of consumers' minds."
Retail hiring numbers for the holiday season are already surprising economists. The International Business Times reports that Kohl's Corporation recently announced that it has brought on 52,700 temporary workers, representing a 10 percent increase from last year. Approximately 495,000 people were hired last year during the holidays, and the industry is expected to surpass that number this year.