Major retailers push paper with new flyers
Despite a number of big-name retailers working hard to launch digital flyers and mobile shopping pamphlets, a number of them are still launching more traditional paper marketing materials as well.
For example, in June, Walmart increased the number of flyers it sent to consumers by 100 percent compared with the same time frame last year. The company dropped three times as many flyers in key markets this year, while it also more than doubled the page count, the Market Track report notes.
Staples similarly increased distribution by 33 percent. Kmart and Sears also boosted distribution, while Best Buy, CVS and Walgreens lifted the number of pages per flyer. On the flipside, JCPenney saw the biggest downgrade in both total circulation numbers and page count.
"Overall, this month saw gain in flyer distribution as well as the size of flyer," the report explains. "Interestingly, a large set of retailers did not change their distribution strategy at all this month, and only focused on the size of flyer."
New mobile devices are gaining more traction with retailers because they enable consumers to access circulars no matter where they are.