Service is king when it comes to online shopping
A snazzy ambiance and massive selection may woo shoppers at a brick-and-mortar retail store, but when it comes to ecommerce, service and deals are king, InternetRetailer reports.
AccessoryGeeks, an online retailer that sells consumer electronics such as cell phone and iPad add-ons, began sending promotional offers to consumers who had left items in the online shopping cart. After noticing the response to this campaign, the brand quickly extended this to real-time platforms. Now, AccessoryGeeks offers round-the-clock customer service through email and text – a move that has improved overall results significantly.
"Customers online, they demand more and more and more as time goes along," says David Byun, the e-retailer's president, told the news source.
The key is making customers feel empowered. Nowadays, there are dozens of ecommerce websites out there and if shoppers can't find the product or service they are looking for on one retail site, they'll move to another.
Retail merchants should use customer service and lucrative promotions to keep customers in their sales loop, rather than giving them the opportunity to go to a competitor.