Airports approaching mall status
Today's companies conduct retail merchandising in a myriad of locations. One of the most popular outlet spaces is the airport.
Airports are increasingly ditching souvenir stands for local businesses and high-end designers and chains, making it imperative for retailers who operate within them to properly target their customers and keep abreast of demographics trends.
In fact, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times, retail spaces are increasingly being devoted to formerly overlooked shoppers – women, children, the tech-savvy and many others. However, airport staples such as business shoppers and the affluent are not being overlooked.
"For retailers, airports offer 'a captive audience in today's post-9/11 world,' said Gerry Cecci, vice president of airport management at mall operator Westfield, is quoted by the LA Times. The source adds that after clearing security, passengers' wait time may extend past an hour.
Retailers can keep stock of their customers in a number of ways, including working with professional demographic analytics firms and soliciting advice via Facebook or email surveys.