Retail sales on tablets increasing worldwide
Smartphones are not the only devices that are changing the world of commerce. Tablets are also increasingly being used to buy items from online retailers, since these technologies give consumers greater purchasing power in the palm of their hand. Tablets are utilized by all age groups and genders, although recent research has found that consumers of younger generations have become adept at buying from retailer on their tablets.
Younger generation prefers to use tablets for shopping
Although many consumers still prefer to purchase items in the physical location of the retail store, tablets are giving customers a more remote and simple way to complete transactions. According to Internet Retailer, recent research by comScore Inc. revealed that when it comes to genders, it is a 50-50 split for men and women users, as they both equally utilize the devices to make online retail purchases.
Perhaps not as surprising was the fact that younger consumers are more likely to use tablets for online shopping. Of the customers surveyed, comScore found that 63 percent were under the age of 45, and 42 percent were 35 years old and younger. Nearly a quarter of shoppers ages 18 to 24 use tablets, representing the largest group.
Household income was another factor that comScore studied, and the research found that 38 percent of tablet users came from a residence making more than $100,000 per year. When it comes to the types of devices, Apple's iPad lead the way, being especially utilized by males, wealthier individuals and younger consumers. Kindle's Fire device is more popular among females, and both the Fire and Android's tablet were more popular with shoppers with lower incomes than those that use iPads, states the source.
Worldwide retail tablet sales on the rise
Equities reports that research by Monetate has discovered retail sales by tablets are becoming almost as popular as desktop and laptop computer purchases. The study also revealed that more money is spent when shoppers use tablets to buy items. In the second quarter of 2012, the percentage of tablet sales was at 3.17, while desktops and laptops represented 3.34 percent. The average amount of purchases on tablets for Q2 was $96.11, with other online methods averaging $91.86 per transaction.
"Tablets are truly a competitor for the desktop [and laptop], with web tablet users converting [to buy] at nearly the same rate," said Monetate's chief marketing officer Kurt Heinemann.